fotos de animales silvestres de
||| - Alec Earnshaw |
photos of wild animals of
Músico Agelaioides badius Greyish Baywing |
Panasonic Lumix FZ30 + DMW-LT55 teleconverter 1.7x |
Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur, Buenos Aires - 18-08-2008 |
Canon EOS 7D Mk II + Canon 100-400 f/4:5-5.6 L IS II USM |
Olivos, Buenos Aires - 20-06-2021
Canon EOS 7D + Canon 300mm f/4 L IS + Extender EF III 1.4x |
Olivos, Buenos Aires - 23-09-2013 |
Canon EOS 7D + Canon 300mm f/4 L IS + Extender EF III 1.4x + Canon Speedlite 580EX II flash |
Olivos, Buenos Aires - 06-11-2013
Canon EOS 7D + Canon 300mm f/4 L IS + Extender EF III 1.4x |
Pila, Buenos Aires - 2/4/2014 |
Canon EOS 7D Mk II + Canon 100-400 f/4:5-5.6 L IS II USM + Extender EF III 1.4 |
Olivos, Buenos Aires - 20-01-2018
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Tordos Músicos (adultos y/o juveniles) junto a inmaduro de Tordo Pico Corto. Nótese las manchas negras y la falta de la"mascarita" oscura en el cúlmen del Pico Corto. Grayish Baywings (adult and/or young) together with an immature Screaming Cowbird. Note the dark blotches on the feathers, and the lack of the small dark "face mask" (culmen) of the Cowbird. |
Panasonic Lumix FZ30 + DMW-LT55 teleconverter 1.7x |
Olivos, Buenos Aires - 13-04-2008 |
Inmaduro de Tordo Pico Corto siendo alimnentado por adulto de Tordo Músico. La hembra de Tordo Pico Corto ha parasitado el nido del Tordo Músico, dejando allí un huevo para que sea incubado y luego criado por el Músico, junto a los pichones propios. Es conocido que el Pico Corto parasita exclusivamente a los nidos de Músicos, siendo que los pichones de ambos son prácticamente indistinguibles, salvo que le falta la "mascarita" oscura, y cuando ya está un poco más crecido le aparecen manchas negras a medida que el plumaje va tomando los colores del adulto del Pico Corto, totalmente negro. Brood Parasitism. An immature Screaming Cowbird is being fed by an adult Grayish Baywing, A female Screaming Cowbird has evidently laid an egg in a Baywing's nest, which will incubate and then reaer the chick as it's own, together with its other chicks. It is known that these Cowbirds will only parasitize nests of Baywings, as their young are almost indistinguishable, save for the lack of a dark "face mask", and, as it ages, the appearance dark blotches on it's feathers, as it transitions to the totally black adult plumage of the Screaming Cowbinrd. This breeding strategy is known as "Brood Parasitism". |
Panasonic Lumix FZ30 + DMW-LT55 teleconverter 1.7x |
Olivos, Buenos Aires - 13-04-2008 |
Costanera Sur,
Buenos Aires - 9/2006 |
Costanera Sur,
Buenos Aires - 8/2008 |
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