de animales silvestres de
of wild animals of ARGENTINA
Mamíferos / Mammals
Orden: Pilosa / Order: Pilosa Osos Hormigueros, Tamanduás, Perezosos / Sloths, Anteaters, Sloths |
Familia Myrmecophagidae - Osos Hormigueros
Family Myrmecohpagidae: Anteaters |
Hormiguero Myrmecophaga tridactyla Giant Anteater |
Canon EOS 7D + Canon 300mm f/4 L IS + Extender EF III 1.4x |
Estancia Rincón del Socorro, Corrientes - 24-03-2012 |
Ejemplar en estado silvestre, reintroducido a su ambiente natural para repoblar la zona del Iberá, donde originalmente vivía esta especie. Esta tarea esta siendo llevada adelante con gran esfuerzo, profesiona-lismo y entusiasmo por la Conservation Land Trust (CLT). Este ejemplar lleva una "mochila" con localiza-dor satelital, lo cual permite monitorear las zonas que visita, y confirmar que sigue vivo. | This is a wild specimen which has been reintroduced to its natural habitat to try and repopulate the Iberá wetlands area, where this species once roamed. This exciting project is being carried out with great effort and expertise by the Conservation Land Trust (CLT). This specimen has been fitted with a satelite monitoring device, allowing to track its movements and confirm it is still alive. |
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NGO for birding and bird conservation