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to Concepción, CHILE
14th - 17th October 2008 |
Here is a brief collection of photos taken during a business trip to this place.
I was fortunate to have some spare time to get to nearby wildlife places, on arrival and in the early and late hours of the day, to chase after some particular and very sought-after species that also occur in Argentina.
On arrival at Conce in the early afternoon I was very fortunate to have the assistance of Antonio Maureira, a local birder, who took me to the coastal area . I'm very much indebted to him for his kindness and the time he put in. He is a knowledgeable and conservation-minded birdwatcher.
Places visited:
- On arrival, 3-hour evening visit to the coastal zone west of Concepción, including the mouth of the Bio-bío river.
- Three early-morning visits to the Universidad de Concepción
- Two evening visits to the same university park
The visits to the University were focused on obtaining photos of Des Mur's Wiretail and 3 Rhynocryptids that are possible there, which I succeeded in part.
This page has 36 photos and includes 12 species of birds (all of which occur also in Argentina). I was able to obtain my first photos of 3 species and improved at least 5 others.
Thanks for visiting this page - Alec Earnshaw
Gateway to the site:
(Click on photos to enlarge)Flying from Buenos Aires, crossing the snow-capped Andes Before landing at Santiago. Signpost of the Estación Biológica at Huelpen, some 15 km west of Concepción.
Lagoon at the Hualpén biological station. Chestnut-throated Huet-huet is supposed to occur here but due to the wind and time of day we neither saw nor heard any. However, there were various other passeriformes. View at the mouth of the Bio-bío. Here I got Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) View returning to Concepción. Small pond near the entrance to the Universidad de Concepción campus. Here I photographed various ducks and Black-necked Swan. View of the park at the Universidad de Concepción. I spent most of my time here as Des Mur's Wiretail (Sylviorthorhynchus desmursii) was to be found in patches of bamboo to the sides of this lawn, and also along the high road that runs along the Eucalyptus-coverd hill at the back. This is the igh road, were I also got Wiretail, as well as Chestnut-throated Huet-huet Castaño and Ochre-flanked Tapaculo. I also saw Austral Blackbird and was within 6 feet of Chucao Tapaculo, who was running all over the palce, but I nerver noticed even the slightest movement of the vegetation. Retuning to BA the evening sun paints the wing red.
English common names are shown un green.
In plum color is the name used in Chile (when it differs from the Argentine name)
Cisne Cuello Negro -Cygnus melancoryphus - Black-necked Swan
Pato Overo -Anas sibilatrix - Chiloe Widgeon (or Southern Widgeon) - Pato Real
Pato Colorado -Anas cyanoptera - Cinamon Teal
Gallareta Escudete Rojo - Fulica rufifrons - Red-fronted Coot - Tagua de Frente Roja
Gallareta Ligas Rojas - Fulica armillata - Red-gartered Coot - Tagua
Playero Trinador- Numenius phaeopus - Whimbrel - Zarapito
Colilarga - Sylviorthorhynchus desmursii - Des Mur's Wiretail
Huet-huet Castaño - Ptreroptochus castaneus - Chestnut-throated Huet-huet - Hued-hued Castaño
Churrín Grande - Eugralia paradoxa - Ochre-flanked Tapaculo - Churrín de la Mocha
Cachudito Pico Negro - Anairetes parulus - Tufted Tit-Tyrant- Cachudito
Fiofío Silbón - Elaenia albiceps - White-crested Elaenia - Fiofío
Comesebo Patagónico - Phrygillus patagonicus - Patagonian Sierra-Finch - Cometocino Patagónico
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