SPECIES: 2 out of 2 present in Argentina 35 photos: FAM. RHEIDAE: Lesser Rhea (11), Greater Rhea (22). Exposing the rhea egg trade (2) |
Tinamiformes (Tinamous)
SPECIES: 8 out of 16 present in Argentina 45 photos: FAM. TINAMIDAE: Tataupa Tinamou (2), Red-winged Tinamou (7), Huayco Tinamou (1), Ornate Tinamou (2), Andean Tinamou (1), Spotted Nothura (23), Darwin's Nothura? (1), Elegant-Crested Tinamou (8) |
Anseriformes (Screamers, Swans, Gueese, Duck) SPECIES: 35 out of 39 present in Argentina 511 photos: FAM. ANHIMIDAE: Southern Screamer (30) - FAM. ANATIDAE: White-faced Tree-Duck (12), Black-bellied Tree-Duck (5), Fulvous Tree-Duck (7), Black-necked Swan (22), Coscoroba Swan (13), Upland Goose (42), Kelp Goose (22), Ashy-headed Goose (10), Ruddy-headed Goose (5), Andean Goose (10), Moscovy Duck (6), American Comb Duck (1), Crested Duck (27), Yellow-billed Teal (25), Yellow-billed Pintail (19), White-cheeked Pintail (8), Puna Teal (1), Silver Teal (15), Cinnamon Teal (9), Blue-winged Teal (1), Red Shoveler (15), Brazilian Duck (26), Ringed Teal (25), Chiloe Widgeon (17), Spectacled Duck (12), Rosy-billed Pochard (15), Black-headed Duck (7), Torrent Duck (14), Andean Duck (3), Lake Duck (19), Masked Duck (7), Magellanic Steamerduck (26), Flying Steamerduck (13), White-headed Steamerduck (5) - EXOTIC SPECIES: Mallard (6), Domestic Duck (1), Moscovy Duck (3), Graylag Goose (3), Hybrid (2) |
Galliformes (Guans) SPECIES: 7 out of 9 present in Argentina 30 photos: FAM. CRACIDAE: Dusky-legged Guan (11), Bridge's Guan (2), Red-faced Guan (2), Rusty-margined Guan (2), Black-fronted Piping-Guan (3), Chaco Chachalaca (4) - FAM.ODONTOPHORIDAE:California Quail (6) |
Podicipediformes (Grebes)
SPECIES: 6 out of 7 present in Argentina 97 photos: FAM. PODICIPEDIDAE: Pied-billed Grebe (18), Great Grebe (31), White-tufted Grebe (16), Southern Silvery Grebe (16), Northern Silvery Grebe (2), Least Grebe(14) |
Phoenicopteriformes (Flamingoes) SPECIES: 3 out of 3 present in Argentina 31 photos: FAM. PHOENICOPTERIDAE: Chilean Flamingo (29), Andean Flamingo (1), Puna Flamingo (1) |
Sphenisciformes (Penguins) SPECIES: 3 out of 8 present in Argentina 43 photos: FAM. SPHENISCIDAE: Magellanic Penguin (34), Gentoo Penguin (7), King Penguin (2) |
(Albatrosses, Petrels, Shearwaters, Prions)
SPECIES: 10 out of 38 present in Argentina 164 photos: FAM. DIOMEDEIDAE: Royal Albatross (14), Black-browed Albatross (46), (Atlantic) Yellow-nosed Albatross (19), - FAM. PROCELLARIIDAE: Southern Giant Petrel (32), Cape Petrel (11), White-chinned Petrel (22), Manx Shearwater (1), Sooty Shearwater (11), Great Shearwater (13), - FAM. HYDROBATIDAE: Wilson's Storm-Petrel To read: "Pancho's Story" - A Wondering Albatross came ashore in Camarones, Chubut. 3 photos |
Phaethontiformes (Tropicbirds) | |
Ciconiiformes (Storks) SPECIES: 3 out of 3 present in Argentina 45 photos: FAM. CICONIIDAE: Maguari Stork (22), Wood Stork (16), Jabiru (7) |
(Frigatebirds, Boobies, Cormorants, Anhingas)
SPECIES: 8 out of 9 present in Argentina 104 photos: FAM. FREGATIDAE: Magnificent Frigatebird (2) - FAM. PHALACROCORACIDAE: Neotropic Cormorant (32), Red-legged Cormorant (4), Magellanic Cormorant (16), Imperial Cormorant (12), Breeding colony (2), Guanay Cormorant (6) - FAM. ANHINGIDAE: Anhinga (30) |
(Pelicans, Herons, Ibises)
SPECIES: 19 out of 24 present in Argentina 349 photos: FAM. ARDEIDAE: Rufescent Tiger-heron (35), Pinnated Bittern (4), Stripe-backed Bittern (11), Whistling Heron (29), Black-crowned Night-heron (29), Cocoi Heron (39), Great Egret (23), Little Blue Heron (8), Snowy Egret (20), Cattle Egret (7), Great & Snowy Egret (1), Green-backed Heron (34) - FAM. THRESKIORNITHIDAE: White-faced Ibis (23), Bare-Faced Ibis (17), Puna Ibis (5), Green Ibis (1), Black-faced Ibis (12), Buff-necked Ibis (5), Plumbeous Ibis (15), Roseate Spoonbill (30) |
Cathartiformes (New World Vultures) SPECIES: 5 out of 5 present in Argentina 49 photos: FAM. CATHARTIDAE: Andean Condor (12), American Black Vulture (11), Turkey Vulture (12), Leser Yellow-headed Vulture (7), King Vulture (7) |
Accipitriformes (Eagles, Hawks, Kites, Ospreys) SPECIES: 26 out of 40 present in Argentina 275 photos: FAM. ACCIPITRIDAE: Harpy Eagle (3, captive), Black-and-white Hawk-eagle (1), Black Hawk-eagle (1, captive), Black-and-chestnut Eagle (6), Great Black Eagle (10), Black-chested Buzzard-eagle (22), Variable Hawk (25), White-tailed Hawk (5), Swainson's Hawk (15), Savanna Hawk (35), Black-collared Hawk (8), Crane Hawk (1), Harris's Hawk (28), White-rumped Hawk (2), Long-winged Harrier (25), Cinereus Harrier (4), Roadside Hawk (21), Sharp-shinned Hawk (5), Bicolored Hawk (4), Chilean Hawk (2), Plumbeous Kite (5), Swallow-tailed Kite (2), Hook-billed Kite (1), Snail Kite (31) - FAM. ELANIDAE: White-tailed Kite (8) - FAM. PANDIONIDAE: Osprey (6) |
Gruiformes (Limpkin, Rails, Crakes)
SPECIES: 21 out of 28 present in Argentina 256 photos: FAM. HELIORNITHIDAE: Sungrebe (1) - FAM. ARAMIDAE: Limpkin (30) - FAM. RALLIDAE: Giant Wood-rail (41), Grey-cowled Wood-rail (15), Slaty-breasted Wood-rail (1), Speckled Rail (4), Rufous-sided Crake (25), Red-and-white Crake (9), Dot-winged Crake (1), Yellow-breasted Crake (1), Spotted Rail (2), Plumbeous Rail (34), Blackish Rail (1), Common Gallinule (12), Spot-flanked Gallinule (24), Purple Gallinule (9), Red-gartered Coot (22), Red-fronted Coot (11), Giant Coot (1), Slate-colored (or Andean) Coot (7),White-winged Coot (6) |
Charadriiformes - Suborder Charadrii (Plovers, Oystercatchers, Avocets, Stilts, Sheathbills, etc.)
SPECIES: 17 out of 18 present in Argentina 231 photos: FAM. CHARADRIIDAE: American Golden Plover (16), Grey Plover (10), Tawny-throated Dotterel (12), Southern Lapwing (34), Andean Lapwing (1), Semipalmated Plover (4), Collared Plover (19), Two-banded Plover (22), Rufous-chested Plover (14), Diademed Plover (9) - FAM. HAEMATOPODIDAE: American Oystercatcher (15), Blackish Oystercatcher (7), Magellanic Oystercatcher (12) - FAM. RECURVIROSTRIDAE: Black-winged Stilt (27), Andean Avocet (1) - FAM. CHIONIDAE: Snowy Sheathbill (13) - FAM. PLUVIANELLIDAE: Magellanic Plover (15) |
- Suborder Scolopaci (Sandpipers, Seedsnipes, Jacanas, etc.) SPECIES: 29 out of 32 present in Argentina 394 photos: FAM. SCOLAPACIDAE: Upland Sandpiper (10), Whimbrel (16), Hudsonian Godwit (23), Ruddy Turnstone (9), Surfbird (4), Red Knot (22), Sanderling (16), Least Sandpiper (1), Semipalmated Sandpiper (5), White-rumped Sandpiper (39), Baird's Sandpiper (8), Pectoral Sandpiper (17), Stilt Sandpiper (24), Buff-breasted Sandpiper (11), Short-billed Dowitcher (5), South American Snipe (19), Magellanic Snipe (1), Puna Snipe (3), Wilson's Phalarope (16), Spotted Sandpiper (7), Solitary Sandpiper (13), Greater Yellowlegs (16), Willet (11), Lesser Yellowlegs (14) - FAM. THINOCORIDAE: White-bellied Seedsnipe (15), Gray-breasted Seedsnipe (11), Least Seedsnipe (17) - FAM. JACANIDAE: Wattled Jacana (34) - FAM. ROSTRATULIDAE: South American Painted-Snipe (7) |
- Suborder Lari (Skuas, Gulls, Terns and Skimmers)
SPECIES: 22 out of 27 present in Argentina 267 photos: FAM. STERCORARIIDAE: Chilean Skua (12), Brown Skua (1), Arctic Yaeger (2) - FAM. LARIDAE / SUBFAM. LARINAE: Andean Gull (2), Brown-hooded Gull (20), Grey-headed Gull (8), Dolphin Gull (24), Grey Gull (4), Franklin's Gull (3), Olrog's Gull (32), Kelp Gull (37) - FAM. LARIDAE / SUBFAM. STERNINAE: Yellow-billed Tern (18), Large-billed Tern (11), Common Gull-billed Tern (3), Common Tern (12), South American Tern (22), Snowy-crowned Tern (21), Elegant Tern (3), Sandwhich Tern (2), Cayenne Tern (5), Royal Tern (15) - FAM. RYNCHOPIDAE: Black Skimmer (25) |
Columbiformes (Pigeons & Doves)
SPECIES: 18 out of 25 present in Argentina 109 photos: FAM. COLUMBIDAE: Picazuro Pigeon (121), Spot-winged Pigeon (16), White-winged Pigeon (1), Southern Band-tailed Pigeon (1), Pale-vented Pigeon (2), Rock Dove (5), Eared Dove (17), West Peruvian Dove (10 ), White-tipped Dove (13), Yungas Dove (1), Grey-fronted Dove (1), Picui Dove (16), Ruddy Ground-dove (4), Scaled Dove (3), Bare-faced Ground-dove (2), Black-winged Ground-dove (3), Moreno's Ground-dove (1), Golden-spotted Ground-dove (1) |
Cuculiformes (Cuckoos)
SPECIES: 9 out of 12 present in Argentina 73 photos: FAM. CUCULIDAE: Dark-billed Cuckoo (19), Ash-colored Cuckoo (4), Common Squirrel Cuckoo (4), Smooth-billed Ani (9), Groove-billed Ani (5), Guira Cuckoo (22), Striped Cuckoo (7), Pheasant Cuckoo (2), Pavonine Cuckoo (1) |
SPECIES: 18 out of 21 present in Argentina 102 photos: FAM. TYTONIDAE: Common Barn Owl (4) - FAM. STRIGIDAE: Tawny-browed Owl (2), Spectacled Owl (2), Rusty-barred Owl (1), Chaco Owl (2), Rufous-legged Owl (1), Mottled Owl (1), Black-banded Owl (1), Tropical Screech-owl (5), Yungas Screech-owl (4), Great Horned Owl (10), Magellanic Horned Owl (5), Striped Owl (11), Short-eared Owl (10), Stygian Owl (1), Feruginous Pygmy-owl (8), Austral Pygmy-owl (3), Burrowing Owl (29), |
Caprimulgiformes (Nightjars, Potoos)
SPECIES: 9 out of 16 present in Argentina 77 photos: FAM. CAPRIMULGIDAE: Nacunda Nighthawk (11), Greater Band-winged Nightjar (8), Sickle-winged Nightjar (1), Pauraque (2), Ocellated Poorwill (2), Lyre-tailed Nightjar (2), Little Nightjar (12), Scissor-tailed Nightjar (36) - FAM. NYCTIBIDAE: Common Potoo (4) |
Apodiformes 1
SPECIES: 4 out of 9 present in Argentina 11 photos: FAM. APODIDAE: Great Dusky Swift (3), White-collared Swift (3), Southern Swift (1), Andean Swift (4) |
Apodiformes 2 (Hummingbirds)
SPECIES: 22 out of 31 present in Argentina 227 photos: FAM. TROCHILIDAE: White-necked Jacobin (6), Black Jacobin (7), Planalto Hermit (4), Scale-throated Hermit (1), Sparkling Violetear (8), Black-throated Mango (7), Green-backed Firecrown (11), Red-tailed Comet (15), Speckled Hummingbird (2), Wedge-tailed Hillstar (1), Andean Hillstar (2), Giant Hummingbird (4), Blue-tufted Starthroat (20), Blue-capped Puffleg (5), Glittering-Bellied Emerald (51), Swallow-tailed Hummingbird (3), Violet-capped Woodnymph (8), White-throated Hummingbird (22), White-bellied Hummingbird (6), Versicolored Emerald (8), Gilded Sapphire (36), Purple-crowned Plovercrest (2) |
Trogoniformes (Trogons)
SPECIES: 3 out of 3 present in Argentina 16 photos: FAM. TROGONIDAE: Southern Surucua Trogon (6), Black-throated Trogon (6), Blue-crowned Trogon (4) |
(Kingfishers & Motmots)
SPECIES: 5 out of 6 present in Argentina 60 photos: FAM. ALCEDINIDAE: Ringed Kingfisher (20), Amazon Kingfisher (11), Green Kingfisher (24) - FAM. MOMOTIDAE: Rufous-capped Motmot (3), Amazonian Motmot (2) |
Galbuliformes (Puffbirds) SPECIES: 4 out of 4 present in Argentina 11 photos: FAM. BUCCONIDAE: Buff-bellied Puffbird (2), Spot-backed Puffbird (6), White-eared Puffbird (2) Rusty-breasted Nunlet (1) |
Piciformes (Toucans & Woodpeckers)
SPECIES: 31 out of 34 present in Argentina 253 photos: FAM. RAMPHASTIDAE: Toco Toucan (5), Red-breasted Toucan (3), Spot-billed Toucanet (1), Saffron Toucanet (2), Chestnut-eared Aracari (3), - FAM. PICIDAE: White-barred Piculet (25), Ochre-collared Piculet (5), White Woodpecker (11), Yellow-fronted Woodpecker (5), White-fronted Woodpecker (20), Smoky-brown Woodpecker (7), White-spotted Woodpecker (1), Checkered Woodpecker (30), Striped Woodpecker (4), Little Woodpecker (1), Dot-fronted Woodpecker (5), Golden-green Woodpecker (6), Golden-olive Woodpecker (2), Golden-breasted Woodpecker (25), Green-barred Woodpecker (1), Chilean Flicker (6), Southern Andean Flicker (3), Pampas Flicker (23), Blond-crested Woodpecker (5), Pale-crested Woodpecker (3), Black-bodied Woodpecker (1), Lineated Woodpecker (4), Cream-backed Woodpecker (15), Crimson-crested Woodpecker (3), Robust Woodpecker (2), Magellanic Woodpecker (31) |
Cariamiformes (Seriemas) SPECIES: 2 out of 2 present in Argentina 5 photos: FAM. CARIAMIDAE: Red-legged Seriema (3), Black-legged Seriema (2) |
Falconiformes (Falcons, Caracaras) |
Psittaciformes (Parrots) SPECIES: 20 out of 25 present in Argentina 128 photos: FAM. PSITTACIDAE: Red-and-green Macaw (2 + 1 captive), Yellow-collared Macaw (3), Blue-crowned Parakeet (5), Peach-fronted Parakeet (2), Mitred Parakeet (1), White-eyed Parakeet (5), Austral Parakeet (10), Burrowing Parrot (14), Monk Parakeet (23), Black-hooded Parakeet (7, feral), Red-bellied (or Maroon-bellied) Parakeet (12), Green-cheeked Parakeet (3), Grey-hooded Parakeet (8), Mountain Parakeet (2), Yellow-chevroned Parakeet (21), Blue-winged Parrotlet (1), Scaly-headed Parrot (3), Tucuman Parrot (1), Turquoise-fronted Parrot (3), Vinaceous-breasted Amazon (1 captive). Parrot chick trade (1) To read: On the Conservation of the Vinaceous Parrot and the Araucarias of San Pedro |
(Passerines - songbirds, perching birds) (see
Suborder SUBOSCINES | |||||
. | FURNARII | ||||
Thamnophilidae (Antshrikes, Antwrens, etc.) SPECIES: 16 out of 18 present in Argentina 101 photos: Giant Antshrike (1), Spot-backed Antshrike (3), Tufted Antshrike (4), Large-tailed Antshrike (1), White-bearded Antshrike (1), Great Antshrike (14), Southern Rufous-capped Antshrike (34), Variable Antshrike (20), Barred Antshrike (9), Plain Antvireo (3), Stripe-backed Antbird (2), Southern Rufous-winged Antwren (1), Streak-capped Antwren (2), Bertoni's Antbird (2), Dusky-tailed Antbird (2), White-shouldered Fire-eye (2) |
Melanopareiidae (Crescentchests) SPECIES: 1 of 1 present in Argentina 4 photos: Olive-crowned Crescentchest |
Conopophagidae (Gnateaters) SPECIES: 1 of 1 present in Argentina 2 photos: Rufous Gnateater |
Grallariidae (Antpittas) SPECIES: 2 of 3 present in Argentina 2 photos: Variegated Antpitta (1), Chulul⤣║ Cabeza Rojiza (1) |
Rhinocryptidae (Gallitos, etc.) SPECIES: 9 out of 10 present in Argentina 50 photos: Spotted Bamboowren (4), Black-throated Huet-huet (2), Chestnut-throated Huet-huet (2), Chucao Tapaculo (5), Ochre-flanked Tapaculo (3), Magellanic Tapaculo (17), White-browed Tapaculo (1), Crested Gallito (9). Sandy Gallito (7) |
Formicariidae (Antthrushes) SPECIES: 1 out of 2 present in Argentina 1 photo: Short-tailed Antthrush |
(Miners, Woodcreepers, Horneros, Spinetails, Cinclodes, Earthcreepers, etc.) Broken down into 5 subfamilies (see below) Here you can also read about the natural history of the family |
. | Sclerurinae (Leaftossers, Miners) SPECIES: 5 out of 7 present in Argentina 40 photos: Rufous-breasted Leaftosser (1), Rufous-banded Miner (18), Puna Miner (2), Common Miner (7), Short-billed Miner (9) |
(Woodcreepers) |
Philydorinae (Foliage-gleaners, Treerunners, some Earthcreepers) SPECIES: 10 out of 13 present in Argentina 67 photos: Black-capped Foliage-gleaner (2), Buff-fronted Folieage-gleaner (3), Ochre-breasted Foliage-gleaner (1), Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner (Atlantic Rainforest) (9), Buff-browed Folieage-gleaner (Andean) (1), White-eyed Foliage-gleaner (2), Streaked Xenops (3), White-throated Treerunner (18), Straight-billed Earthcreeper (5), Band-tailed Earthcreeper (23) |
Furnariinae (Horneros, Cinclodes, Earthcreepers, etc.) SPECIES: 15 out of 17 present in Argentina 253 photos: Rufous Hornero (73), Crested Hornero (5), Chaco Earthcreeper (11), Curve-billed Reedhaunter (34), Streamcreeper (10), Wren-like Rushbird (23), Buff-winged Cinclodes (35), Cordoba Cinclodes (1), Cream-winged Cinclodes (4), Dark-bellied Cinclodes (29), Gray-flanked Cinclodes (13), Olrog's Cinclodes (2), White-winged Cinclodes (1), Scale-throated Earthcreeper (7), Buff-breasted Earthcreeper (5) | |||||
Synallaxinae (Pijuís, Espineros, Canasteros, Curutiés, etc.) SPECIES: 39 out of 43 present in Argentina 558 photos: Thorn-tailed Rayadito (22), Brown-capped Tit-Spinetail (1), Tufted Tit-Spinetail (22), Pallid Tit-Spinetail (11), Rufous-fronted Thornbird (4), Streak-fronted Thornbird (3), Little Thornbird (14), Spot-breasted Thornbird (4), Freckle-breasted Thornbird (38), Greater Thornbird (16), Lark-like Brushrunner (19), Firewood-gatherer (32), Brown Cacholote (23), White-throated Cacholote (10), Patagonian Canastero (18), Steinbach's Canastero (2), Short-billed Canastero (26), Sharp-billed Canastero (28), Cordilleran Canastero (9), Creamy-breasted Canastero (10), Hudson's Canastero (9), Streak-backed Canastero (1), Austral Canastero (4), Bay-capped Wren-spinetail (12), Spixi's Spinetail (22), Gray-bellied Spinetail (1), Sooty-fronted Spinetail (14), Pale-breasted Spinetail (16), Rufous-capped Spinetail (3), Azara's Spinetail (3), Ochre-cheeked Spinetail (3), Chotoy Spinetail (28), Yellow-chinned Spinetail (37), Stripe-crowned Spinetail (17), Olive Spinetail (1), Sulphur-throated Spinetail (33), Striaght-billed Reedhaunter (30), Des Murs's Wiretail (10) |
TYRANNI | |||||
Tyrannidae (Tyrants, Monjitas, Kiskadees, Flycatchers, etc.) SPECIES: 113 out of approx. 130 present in Argentina 973 photos: Many-coloured Rush-tyrant (24), Eared Pygmy-tyrant (4), Yellow-olive Flatbill (4), Southern Bristle-tyrant (2) Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet (25), Bay-ringed Tyrannulet (1), White-throated Spadebill (1), Sclater's Tyrannulet (2), Drab-breasted Bamboo-tyrant (1), Pearly-vented Tody-tyrant (10), Ochre-faced Tody-flycatcher (4), Common Tody-flycatcher (3), White-throated Tyrannulet (4), Buff-banded Tyrannulet (1), Tufted Tit-tyrant (14), Yellow-billed Tit-tyrant (6), Warbling Doradito (21), Ticking Doradito (3), Crested Doradito (2), Sooty Tyrannulet (19), Plain Tyrannulet (1), White-crested Tyrannulet (10), Stranek's Tyrannulet (7), Southern Beardless Tyranulet (12), Southern Antpipit (2), Tawny-crowned Pygmy-tyrant (11), Streamer-tailed Tyrant (19), Strange-tailed Tyrant (17), Great Kiskadee (16), Cattle Tyrant (14), Piratic Flycatcher (2), Brown-crested Flycatcher (3), Swainson's Flycatcher (8), Short-crested Flycatcher (6), Dusky-capped Flycatcher (4), Rufous Casiornis (5), Yellow-browed Tyrant (16), Tropical Kingbird (13), Southern Streaked Flycatcher (14), Golden-crowned Flycatcher (1), Crowned Slaty-Flycatcher (18), Variegated Flycatcher (1), Fork-tailed Flycatcher (27), Eastern Kingbird (2), Smoke-colored Pewee (2), Southern Tropical Pewee (1), White-winged Black-tyrant (6), Blue-billed Black-tyrant (15), Plumbeous Black-tyrant (2), Cinereous Black-tyrant (3), Black Phoebe (16), Black-backed Water-tyrant (18), White-headed Marsh-tyrant (34), Masked Water-tyrant (10), Suiriri Flycatcher (9), Traill's (Willow, or Alder) Flycatcher (3), Cinnamon Flycatcher (3), Swallow Flycatcher (4), Streak-throated Bush-tyrant (1), Bran-coloured Flycatcher (30), Euler's Flycatcher (5), Bearded Tachuri (32), Sharp-tailed Tyrant (1), Common Vermillion Flycatcher (36), Greater Wagtail-tyrant 8), Dark-faced Ground-tyrant (20), Cinnamon-bellied Ground-tyrant (3), Ochre-naped Ground-tyrant (12), Rufous-naped Ground-tyrant (4), White-browed Ground-tyrant (9), Black-fronted Ground-tyrant (2), Spot-billed Ground-tyrant (7), Austral Negrito (32), Andean Negrito (1), Rough-legged Tyrannulet (3), White-crested Elaenia (16), Short-billed Elaenia (26), Greenish Elaenia (3), Large Elaenia (3), Yellow-bellied Elaenia, Highland Elaenia (4), Olivaceous Elaenia (1), Slaty Elaenia (2), Southern Scrub-flycatcher (17), Spectacled Tyrant (23), Great Shrike-tyrant (2), Grey-bellied Shrike-tyrant (4), Black-billed Shrike-tyrant (14), Lesser Shrike-tyrant (4), Rufous-webbed Bush-tyrant (1), Chocolate-vented Tyrant (23), Rusty-backed Monjita (9), Black-and-white Monjita (14), Grey Monjita (12), Black-crowned Monjita (12), White Monjita (33), Fire-eyed Diucon (19), Patagonian Tyrant (7), Three-striped Flycatcher (2), Social Flycatcher (3), Boat-billed Flycatcher (3), Fuscous Flycatcher (2), Sepia-capped Flycatcher (3), Greenish Tyrannulet (1), Grey-hooded Flycatcher (1), Sibilant Sirystes (5), Yellow Tyrannulet (3), Short-crested Flycatcher (7), Long-tailed Tyrant (2), D'Orbigny's Chat-tyrnat (1), White-browed Chat-tyrant (2, Large-headed Flatbill (3) |
Oxyruncidae (Sharpbill) SPECIES: 1 out 1 present in Argentina 2 photos of Sharpbill |
Cotingidae (Plantcutters, Fruitcrows, Bellbirds, etc.) SPECIES: 2 out of approx. 5 present in Argentina 37 photos: White-tipped Plantcutter (31), Rufous-tailed Plantcutter (6) |
Pipridae (Manakins) SPECIES: 4 out of 4 present in Argentina 10 photos: White-bearded Manakin (1), Band-tailed Manakin (3); Blue Manakin (4), Yungas Manakin (2) |
Tityridae (Tityras, Becards, Xenopsaris, etc.) SPECIES: 10 out of 12 present in Argentina 60 photos: Black-crowned Tityra (4), Eatern Black-tailed Tityra (4), Masked Tityra (3), Greenish Schiffornis (2), Bar-winged Piprites (1), White-naped Becard (19), Green-backed Becard (2), White-winged Becard (20), Chestnut-crowned Becard (2), Crested Becard (3) |
Suborder PASSERES (OSCINES) | |||||
Vireonidae (Vireos, Peppershrikes) SPECIES: 3 out of 3 present in Argentina 28 photos: Chivi Vireo (8), Rufous-crowned Greenlet (2), Rufous-browed Peppershrike (18) |
Corvidae (Jays) SPECIES: 2 out of 3 present in Argentina 12 photos: Plush-crested Jay (10), Purplish Jay (2) |
Hirundinidae (Swallows) SPECIES: 12 out of 15 present in Argentina 119 photos: White-rumped Swallow (27), Chilean Swallow (12), White-winged Swallow (2), Blue-and-white Swallow (11), Southern Martin (4), Grey-breasted Martin (8), Brown-chested Martin (16), combined (1), Barn Swallow (9), Collared Sand Martin (5), Cliff Swallow (15), Rough-winged Swallow (8), Tawny-headed Swallow (1) |
(Wrens) SPECIES: 4 out of 4 present in Argentina 35 photos: House-Wren (18), Mountain Wren (3), Grass Wren (12), Thrush-like Wren (2) |
Polioptilidae (Gnatcatchers) SPECIES: 2 out of 2 present in Argentina16 photos: 22 photos:Masked Gnatcatcher (20), Cream-bellied Gnatcatcher (2) |
Donacobidae (Donacobius) SPECIES: 1 out of 1 present in Argentina 17 photos: Donacobius |
Cinclidae (Dippers) SPECIES: 1 out of 1 present in Argentina 3 photos: Rufous-throated Dipper |
Turdidae (Thrushes) SPECIES: 11 out of 11 present in Argentina 94 photos: Rufous-bellied Thrush (22), Creamy-bellied Thrush (12), Pale-breasted Thrush (6), Austral Thrush (28), Andean Slaty Thrush (6), Eastern Slaty Thrush (1), Glossy-black Thrush (1), Sombre Thrush (11), White-necked Thrush (2), Sclater's Nightingale-thrush (3), Swainson's Thrush (3) |
Mimidae (Mockingbirds) SPECIES: 5 out of 5 present in Argentina 54 photos: Chalk-browed Mockingbird (20), Patagonian Mockingbird (14), White-banded Mockingbird (11), Brown-backed Mockingbird (2), Chilean Mockingbird (6) |
Sturnidae (Starlings) |
Motacillidae (Pipits) SPECIES: 5 out of 9 present in Argentina 73 photos: Correndera Pipit (21), Yellowish Pipit (16), Short-billed Pipit (12), Puna Pipit (5), Hellmayr's Pipit (5), Pipit sp (14) |
Thraupidae (Tanagers, Cardinals, Sierra-finches, Warbling-finches, Seedeaters, etc.) SPECIES: 72 out of 88 present in Argentina (which includes 2 species not recognized by SACC, marked with *) 645 photos: Red-crested Cardinal (18), Yellow-billed Cardinal (22), Magpie Tanager (2), Orange-headed Tanager (4), Chestnut-headed Tanager (1), Black-goggled Tanager (4), Ruby-crowned Tanager (5), White-lined Tanager (23), Diademed Tanager (10), Fawn-breasted Tanager (17), Blue-and-yellow Tanager (16), Hooded Tanager (2), Sayaca Tanager (25), Palm Tanager (3), Green-headed Tanager (6), Swallow Tanager (2), Blue Dacnis (5), Guira Tanager (4), Chestnut-vented Conebill (4), Rusty Flowerpiercer (17), Black-hooded Sierra-finch (5), Gray-hooded Sierra-finch (20), Patagonian Sierra-finch (17), Mourning Sierra-finch (17), Plumbeous Sierra-finch (7), Ash-breasted Sierra-finch (4), Carbon Sierra-finch (6), Band-tailed Sierra-finch (9), White-winged Diuca-finch (2), Common Diuca-finch (10), Yellow-bridled Finch (12), Black-crested Finch (2), Long-tailed Reed-finch (21), Black-and-rufous Warbling-finch (21), Black-and-chestnut Warbling-finch (4), Rufous-sided Warbling-finch (1), Rusty-browed Warbling-finch (5), Cinnamon Warbling-finch (1), Grey-breasted Warbling-finch, (14) Black-breasted (or Ringed) Warbling-finch (7), Black-capped Warbling-finch (6), Bright-rumped Yellow-finch (4), Citron-headed Yellow-finch (1), Greater Yellow-finch (6), Greenish Yellow-finch (10), Patagonian Yellow-finch (11), Saffron Finch (27), Grassland Yellow-finch (18), Wedge-tailed Grass-finch (6), Lesser Grass-finch (10), Great Pampa-finch (26), Blue-black Grassquit (17), Dull-colored Grassquit (1), Sooty Grassquit (2), Chestnut-bellied Seed-finch (2), Rusty-collared Seedeater (10), Double-collared Seedeater (12), Lined Seedeater (3), White-bellied Seedeater (2), White-throated Seedeater (1), Tawny-bellied Seedeater (14), Dark-throated Seedeater (16), Marsh Seedeater (10), White-collared Seedeater = Narosky's Seedeater = Entre Ríos Seedeater = Zelich's Seedeater * (2), Rufous-rumped Seedeater (8), Chestnut Seedeater (13), Iberá Seedeater (1), Seedeater spp (6), Band-tailed Seedeater (4), Plain-colored Seedeater (4), Red-crested Finch (9), Yellow Cardinal(9), Bananaquit (3) |
Incertae Sedis (Saltators & allies) SPECIES: 5 out of 6 present in Argentina 51 photos: Amazonian Grey Saltator (14), Green-winged Saltator (12), Golden-billed Saltator (12), Black-throated Grosbeak (1), Many-colored Chaco Finch (12) |
Passerellidae (ex-Emberizidae) (Sparrows, Brushfinches & allies) SPECIES: 9 out of 9 present in Argentina 97 photos: Rufous-collared Sparrow (52), Grassland Sparrow (18), Chaco Sparrow (3), Stripe-crowned Sparrow (4), Saffron-billed Sparrow (1), White-browed Brush-finch (4), Fulvous-headed Brush-finch (6), Yellow-striped Brush-finch (2), Common Bush-tanager (6) |
Cardinalidae (Grosbeaks & allies) SPECIES: 7 of 7 present in Argentina 69 photos: Red Tanager (13), Scarlet Tanager (1), Red-crowned Ant-tanager (1), Black-backed Grosbeak (10), Blue Seedeater (2), Glaucous-blue Grosbeak (24), Ultramarine Grossbeak (18) |
Parulidae (New World Warblers) SPECIES: 11 out of 12 present in Argentina 86 photos: Masked Yellowthroat (28), Common Yellowthroat (vagrant) (1), Tropical Parula (12), Blackpoll Warbler (2), American Redstart (1), Brown-capped Whitestart (6), White-browed Warbler (13), Pale-legged Warbler (4), Southern Riverbank Warbler (2), Two-banded Warbler (4), Golden-crowned Warbler (14) |
Icteridae (Blackbirds, Cowbirds, Caciques, Meadowlarks) SPECIES: 22 out of 23 present in Argentina 346 photos: Crested Oropendula (2), Solitary Cacique (14), Golden-winged Cacique (17), Red-rumped Cacique (3), Troupial (9), Variable Oriole (12), Chopi Blackbird (4), Austral Blackbird (12), Scarlet-headed Blackbird (40), Unicolored Blackbird (17), Yellow-winged Blackbird (9), Chestnut-capped Blackbird (27), Saffron-cowled Blackbird (37),Yellow-rumped Marshbird (14), Brown-and-yellow Marshbird (21), Grayish Baywing (21), Screaming Cowbird (14), Shiny Cowbird (17), Giant Cowbird (2), White-browed Blackbird (17), Long-tailed Meadowlark (26), Bobolink (9) - EXOTIC BLACKBIRDS: Venezuelan Troupial (4), Scrub Blackbird (1) |
Fringillidae - subfamily Fringillinae (Siskins, Euphonias) SPECIES: 4 out of 5 siskins present in Argentina + 2 exotic species 45 photos: Hooded Siskin (15), Black Siskin (2), Yellow-rumped Siskin (4), Black-chinned Siskin (13) EXOTIC SPECIES: European Greenfinch (6), European Goldfinch (5) |
Fringillidae - subfamily Euphoniinae (Euphonias) SPECIES: 5 out of 6 present in Argentina 26 photos: Purple-throated Euphonia (12), Violaceous Euphonia (6), Golden-rumped Euphonia (2), Chestnut-bellied Euphonia (3), Blue-naped Chlorophonia (3) |
Passeridae (Sparrows) SPECIES: 1 out of 1 present in Argentina 12 photos. House Sparrow |