fotos de animales silvestres de ARGENTINA
por / by: Alec Earnshaw
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photos of wild animals of ARGENTINA
Field Guides and nature books in English on Argentine wildlife

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This page provides a list of field guides that will help you to discover our birds and other animals on your visit to Argentina.
If you do intend to purchase a fieldguide from Amazon, I would ask you to enter the Amazon site linking from here.
Doing so should result in a small return from Amazon that can help to keep this site going. Many thanks! - Alec.

Make sure you visit the other pages of this site. It has hundreds of photos of some of the many animals that inhabit Argentina.
It covers mainly birds, but also other groups such as mammals, reptiles and butterflies.

Hummingbirds of Argentina - A photographic tour
eBook (Kindle) edition in English
Texts & photos by Alec Earnshaw - 77 pages - Promotinal price

This eBook is not a field guide, rather a rundown of most of the species of hummingbirds that occur in Argentina, through high-quality images and interesting texts. It makes a great gift to anyone who likes birds or is needing a splash of color in their lives. It's instructive, begining with an introduction to the surprising world of hummingbirds: how they produce their brilliant colors, how the hover, nesting, the flowers they feed on, etc. It then covers 23 species from all corners of Argentina, illustrated with surprising quality photos, aranged by geographic region, and showing range maps. The landscape format is ideal for viewing on a PC monitor using the free Kindle App, available from Amazon and game stores.

Get it now from Amazon at a promotional price, and start reading it in minutes!

Picaflores de Argentina - Un recorrido fotográfico
Edición eBook (Kindle) en español
Textos y fotos: Alec Earnshaw - 77 páginas - Precio promocional

Un recorrido fotográfico a lo largo de 77 páginas a puro color con textos y fotos magníficas que nos acercan a 23 de las especies de picaflores presentes en Argentina. Formato apaisado, optimizado para ver las imágenes en monitor de PC y en pantalla completa. Organizado por ecoregiones, incluye una importante introducción sobre la sorprendente forma de vida de estas gemas aladas - cómo logran sus colores maravillosamente luminosos, cómo vuelan suspendidos, muchas de las flores de las que se alimentan, y más!

Consígalo por Amazon a un precio verdaderamente de regalo.

Assorted sample pages from: Hummingbirds of Argentina - A photographic tour

Birding field guides for the region
Birds of Argentina and Uruguay - A Field Guide - Paperback
Tito Narosky - Darío Yzurieta - Bilingual English / Spanish Edition - 2010
The classical and most authoritative field guide to the birds of Argentina and Uruguay, in its 16th edition. Highly acclaimed for its concise descriptions using bold print to highlight main identification field marks. Accurate illustrations and range maps cover 979 species. Range map, photograph and illustration is located right alongside the text for each species, affording quicker and easier identification. Upadtaed range maps, new icons shoiwing nesting status and endagered species. Included with the book is a CD with bird calls for every vocal species covered in the guide, a checklist with several ticking-off columns and a waterpfoof carrying case.
A "must" if you are coming to Argentina.

"This is the best true pocket field guide in the Neotropical market today...
This is a well-designed, practical, pocket-sized field guide to the birds of Argentina and Uruguay, written and illustrated by two of the best field ornithologists in Argentina. It has excellent, concise and very carefully crafted text, useful range maps, and adequate illustrations... They have indeed thought out their text remarkably thoroughly, and have been able to pack in just what is indispensable, and to leave out the rest. This is truly a feat. The more I have used this field guide, the more my admiration for the authors has increased. And furthermore I don't need a backpack to carry their guide!"
From: "FIELD GUIDES TO NEOTROPICAL BIRDS" - François Vuilleumier
Department of Ornithology - American Museum of Natural History, New York
Birds of Buenos Aires - Paperback
Tito Narosky, Christian Henscke.
Darío Yzurieta (Illustrator). José Leiberman (photo editor)
First published: 2005 - In Spanish. English text is very brief, only 1 to 3 lines, with "bare essential" field marks.

Basically derived of the nationwide field guide by Narosky & Yzurieta, restricted to the birds that can be found in and around Buenos Aires city. For each of the 223 species covered there is a description, illustration and a small photo of the bird. Adiitionally, 51 less common species are also illustrated.
If you will not be travelling to other regions of the country this field guide does have an advantage: fewer birds in the book will make bird identification easier, so you will not be troubled with patagonian and rainforest species.
The introduction (in Spanish) recommends some specific birding locations in and around BA.
Birds of Southern South America and Antarctica - Paperback
Martín de la Peña and Maurice Rumboll
First published: 1998 - In English

Also authoritative. Has wider coverage as it includes Paraguay and Chile and southern Brazil and Bolivia. Indicates local names as used in each country. Some of the illustrations are lovely, while others are not too accurate or a little too small. Inexplicably, the bird layout of some of the plates does not keep to an easy order. Range maps are grouped at the back of the book, and this can be a problem as birders who are new to the region will need to refer to them very often. The print is rather small for a book that is meant for use in the field.
Annotated Checklist of the birds of Argentina - Paperback
Juan Mazar Barnet and Mark Pearman
First published: May 2001 - All texts are in English and Spanish

Highly authoritative checklist providing the most up-to-date taxonomy. Indicates life zones and migratory status. Valuable information on rarities, hypothetical and erronously cited species, each dealt in great detail, noting factual historical sightings and other claims.
Ten "tick" columns help you to record your sightings made in different localities.

Note: this not an identification field guide, so does not provide species descriptions, illustrations nor
range maps.
Birds of Chile (Princeton FIeld Guides) - Paperback
Alvaro Jaramillo (author), Peter Burke & David Beadle (illustrators)
Published 2006 - 376 pages. 156 color plates.
Covers all the non-passerine species found in South America
The fine plates that Jorge Mata worked on during a year in New York in the 1970s have finally been published.
Highly authoritative guide with high quality illustrations. I truly recommend this book for any birders visiting Chile or the north-west or southern Argentina, Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, pellagics and Antarctic cruises. Excellent descriptions on how to resolve identification of similar species.

Birds of South America: Non-passerines - an Illustrated Checklist - Paperback
Francisco Erize & Jorge R. Rodríguez Mata & Maurice Rumboll
Published 2003 - covers 473 known slecies. 96 color plates.

100 Mariposas Argentinas Paperback
Juan Klimaitis
Published 2009

Books on Patagonian wildlife
A Guide to the Birds and Mammals of Coastal Patagonia
Birds of the High Andes
by Graham Harris - 1998 - Hardcover
A wonderful book with exquisite watercolours by the author, who lives in the area. Covers all the birds and mammals that one can expect to find in the region. Includes detailed information on behaviour and natural history of the more characteristic species. Has introduction to the landscape and vegetation and suggests conservation measures. The author is the founder of Fundación Patagonia Natural, a wildlife conservation NGO based in Puerto Madryn.
by Jon Fjeldsa (Illustrator), Neils Krabbe
Published 1990 - 876 pages

A Manual to the Birds of the Temperate Zone of the Andes and Patagonia, South America - Hardcover

A veritable reference for the serious student of South Ameircan birds.

Must-have books
Birds of the world:
Recommended English Names
Where to watch birds in South America
The Clements checklist of birds of the world

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